5 New App User Acquisition Campaign Ideas

new app user acquisition campaign ideas

Launching a new app is no small feat. After all, there are millions of options for users to choose from in the app store. However, competition breeds innovation and creativity. While your app may be unique and solve real problems, you still have to get the word out, even if you already have brand recognition. If you’re stuck on cranking out inspired ideas, don’t worry because we’ve got new app user acquisition campaign ideas that can give you the boost you need and the traffic you crave.

Think Way Outside the Box (There Is No Box!)

Mobile app marketing encompasses so many channels and tactics. That doesn’t mean that app advertisers use them all. There can be misconceptions about where to promote your new app, so it’s time to clear those out.

The perfect marketing mix for your app will be specific to your app’s category, features, and target audience. In deciding where to put your launch money, look back to your data and value proposition. There are lots of insights available in your research that got you from app idea to its official inclusion in the app stores. You should consider:

  • Where does your audience look for solutions to their technological challenges? Their sources could include social media, search engines, app store search, or industry resources.
  • What are the stats around user acquisition (UA) for your app category? For example, hyper-casual games saw strong app referral growth in 2020, indicating that in-app advertising and cross-promotion work for this subset of games.

Are there lingering erroneous beliefs about your audience and their app habits? App users range in demographics. In 2020, those aged 18 to 24 spend the most hours on apps; however, those 25 to 44 were only a few minutes behind.

hours in app by age
Image: Simform
  • How different is the market from when you first started? So much about consumer behavior and app usage changed in the last 18 months. Global downloads in the first part of 2020 were up 26.1% over 2019. Now that the pandemic is hopefully ending, what kind of new shifts will it cause? And how many recent trends will remain permanent?

Using these as guides for your new app user acquisition strategy, you’ll be able to flush out your ideas and align them for the best outcomes.

Exploring Ideas for User Acquisition for Your New App

Even if you had an unlimited budget for launching your new app, you wouldn’t spend it without regard. In the end, you still want a strong return for every channel and tactic you leverage. So, what could give you the best bang for your buck? It’s time for ideas!

Host a Virtual Launch Party

virtual app launch party

Creating your event means you control it. You’re the host, so you’re using owned media, which means it’s more cost-effective and isn’t at the mercy of a shared platform like social media.

Your dollars can go further this way if you are concerned about optimizing your UA budget. Instead of paying for a live space and all that entails, spend on promoting it on social media, email, and digital marketing. The other key area for spending would be your guests. Thought leaders or influencers in the space could be part of a panel discussion to add some clout. Incentivize those that attend the virtual event and download the app with exclusive content, free trials, or other rewards.

Tailor In-App Promotions with Rewarded Ads

In-app advertising can be a good UA channel if there is alignment. It’s also where users are, considering 88% of mobile time occurs in-app.

You could promote your new app on your existing ones or with rewarded ads that connect engaged audiences with advertisers. You can choose from several campaign structures and payment models that best fit your needs, including the ad alternative, offerwalls. They are non-intrusive units that are user-initiated, thus tend to have greater conversions versus traditional ads.

Boost Your Visibility with Burst Campaigns

burst campaign app launch

Burst campaigns are another rewarded ad option for app user acquisition. They are short, concentrated keyword and category promotions that can deliver a high volume of users who download your app. In turn, your app ranking will sail up the charts, which can result in organic uplift.

What’s critical is that your burst campaign should be very strategic. The “when” is more important than the keywords. For example, if you’re a new sports betting apps, you’d want to launch a burst campaign on specific triggers, such as sports season kickoffs, marquee events, or dates when it becomes legal in new states.

Hang Onto Users After the Initial Download with CPE Campaigns

CPE (cost per engagement) campaigns can be vital to retention. After all, downloading your app and never using it or deleting it a few days later doesn’t help you. CPEs are excellent vehicles for post-install events, such as registration, tutorials, or free trials. Better yet, a CPE action could be to refer a friend. The user may get some in-app reward if they add in the email addresses to share their new favorite app.

If users do those things, they may be more likely to stick around. You won’t know this until you have many months of data to determine if specific actions correlate to more activity and usage.

online community

Build an Online Community

There are multiple app categories where community matters. From Games to Health and Fitness, you will acquire more users for your new app if you can cultivate an engaged audience.

You can start your community on your website or use social media by creating a group. Once you own, the other you don’t. However, the benefit of using a social media site is greater reach. As soon as you acquire new users, invite them to the community.

Keep conversations going, asking for feedback, providing tips, and answering questions. Soon users will be having their own discussions and inviting others to join. It could become a hub for gaining new users!

New App User Acquisition: Opportunities Ahead

If you’re feeling uncertain about launching your new app or if you had a soft launch, you likely have a UA challenge. That doesn’t mean you can’t find success. Not every app is a winner on day one. And this is a long-term business, not short-term. Those apps that stay around because they keep improving and catering to users will survive. If that’s your goal, you’ll want to find a mobile advertising partner that can fit any need.

Learn more about mobile app marketing and how we can help by downloading our eBook, The Beginner’s Guide to Mobile App Marketing, today.

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