How Subscription Apps and Boxes Can Use Reward Platforms

subscription app

The rise of subscription apps hitting the iOS App Store and Google Play marketplace is no secret. There are opportunities for mobile app marketers to leverage this trend.

In a previous post, we covered how you can move to a subscription model to benefit from steady revenue flow and a highly engaged user base. However, these subscriptions don’t necessarily have to be digital. Boxed subscriptions can also gain from some unique advertising strategies.

What are these strategies? Our mobile experts will fill you in on how your subscription, app or non-app, can benefit from diverse inventory on both mobile and desktop.

Consumer Subscribing Is Growing

Subscription services are available in just about every flavor. There are so many options digital media streaming services, boxed kits for meals and more, and gaming.

Consumer subscribing is growing rapidly. The pandemic is accelerating it. New industry statistics from Deloitte Insights confirm this:

  • 80% of U.S. consumers have a streaming video subscription.
  • The average number of paid media and entertainment subscriptions for U.S. consumers is 12. (Millennials lead the way here with 17.)
  • 25% of consumers plan to subscribe to more services in the next year.
  • Streaming video and gaming services have seen a substantial lift since the pandemic.

These trends aren’t likely to diminish, but the industry does have to worry about fatigue and saturation. To ensure your subscription app or box gets the attention it deserves, you’ll need to think strategically. One option is to use the AdAction Reward Platform.

Drive Qualified Users with Reward Platforms

Offerwalls are a great mobile monetization strategy. Because users choose to engage with the offerwall, you won’t be interrupting their initial experience, driving higher engagement. With offerwalls, users receive rewards for completing desired actions, such as completing a survey, starting a free trial, signing up for a subscription, and more.

Our offerwall features owned-and-operated reward inventory that provides global reach and volume for advertisers looking to drive downstream engagement at scale.

Non-App Subscription Boxes Can Leverage Reward Platforms, Too

Our knowledge and experience with digital subscriptions allow us to help non-app clients, like subscription boxes, on our Reward Platform, as well. These subscriptions can use offerwalls to diversify ad spend on non-traditional channels, attracting new audiences you might not normally reach.

This type of ad unit is a bit of a novelty for non-app clients. Still, we’ve seen great success with CPA (cost per action) campaigns in verticals like digital media streaming, boxes for pets, meal kits, alcohol, beauty and wellness, children’s books and movies, and utility or security services.

Offerwall Traffic Boosts App and Non-App Subscriptions

Offerwall traffic can support both app and non-app clients using the same reward inventory to drive subscriptions. Adding these tactics to your monetization strategy can provide substantial returns.

Interested in learning more about how subscription apps can benefit from our Reward Platform? Let us know, and our mobile experts will gladly chat with you about options!

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